5 reasons to use branded candidate packs.

5 reasons to use branded candidate packs.

We’ve been designing a number of candidate packs recently for a variety of roles and one thing they all have in common is that they are branded to the company who is recruiting. If you’re looking to improve your recruitment process read on. A branded candidate pack...
The advantages of using digital business cards.

The advantages of using digital business cards.

Printed business cards have been on the decline in the last couple of years so we think 2022 might be the year more businesses make the transition to digital business cards. I thought I would take a look at what they are, the advantages of using them and how...
Why is Consistency Important in Graphic Design?

Why is Consistency Important in Graphic Design?

What does the term ‘consistency’ mean in graphic design? Every time your audience interact with a piece of marketing material from your business they form a decision about what they think of your product or service. By making sure you are sending a...